Weather forecast for Breckenridge, Colorado
This is an estimated 10-day weather forecast for Breckenridge. Keep in mind that the weather can change at a moments' notice, and even if you see sunny sky in the forecast, it can start snowing any time. Also, the weather at higher elevations is generally worse than it is in town.
The town is located at about 9,000 feet, while the peak of the skiable mountain is over 13,000. It may very well be warm and pleasant when you put on your boots, and freezing and windy when you get to the top of the mountain.
If you'd like to know more about the typical weather in the mountains, please read: Typical Weather in Breckenridge.
Your should always be prepared when visiting a high altitude town.
Village | Peak | Wind | Snow |
Forecast is provided as a 24 hour average.
For example, if you are looking at the weather on a Thursday, you will get a snow forecast for a 24 hour period starting some time on a Thursday and going into Friday.
Peak 8 Mountain Camera
Weather forecast is provided by the Breckenridge Troll.